Student Family Congress is a student organization that functions as the highest legislative body in YARSI University. It consists of student representatives from each faculty which aims to accommodate student aspirations, as well as to supervise and control student organizational activities at the University level

The Student Executive Board of YARSI University was established in Jakarta on August 13, 2008. It is a student executive organization at the university level that aims to be a forum for aspiration, leadership, community and intellectual development for YARSI University students.

KREASI was established on June 30, 2008 and is an official organization of YARSI University which is engaged in research, community service and entrepreneurship. KREASI serves as a learning Center for entrepreneurship development, community service, research, application of technology, scientific paper writing, as well as competencies development towards independent success

SMAKA was established on November 21, 1998 and is engaged in choir, dance, percussion, band and cinematography. It is aimed to gather, foster and develop the potential and creativity of YARSI University students in the field of art, in order to improve the quality of YARSI University students in particular and Indonesian arts in general.

LDK KAHFI was established on September 11, 2006, and is aimed to gather, nurture and direct Muslim students of YARSI University in an Islamic brotherhood forum, and to form into a complete Muslim personality.

TDM was established on March 23, 2009 and focuses on medical emergencies, red cross, SAR (Search and Rescue) and community service

IMASI was established on March 12, 2019 and is aimed to accommodate and develop students' interest and talent in martial arts

The Student Representative Body (BPM) consists of representatives from each class in each faculty who are democratically elected. The representative board functions as a representative institution to accommodate student aspirations and to oversee organizational activities at the faculty level. The BPM at VARS! University consists of:

  1. Student Representative Board of the Faculty of Medicine (BPM FK)
  2. Student Representative Board of the Faculty of Law (BPM FH)
  3. Student Representative Board of the Faculty of Economics (BPM FE)
  4. Student Representative Board of the Faculty of Information Technology (BPM FTI)
  5. Student Representative Board of the Faculty of Psychology (BPM FPsi)

YBBC was established on December 10, 1998 to accommodate students' interest and talent in basketball

UKM Voyage was established on May 14, 2001 to accommodate and develop interest and talent in volleyball, futsal and badminton

The Student Senate is an Executive Institution in each faculty, which carries out reasoning and scientific activities in each study program and aims to help improve the academic quality of students. The Student Senate of YARSI University consists of:

  1. Student Senate of the Faculty of Medicine Student Senate (SEMA-FK),
  2. Student Senate of the Faculty of Dentistry Student Senate (SEMA-FKG)
  3. Student Senate of the Law Faculty Student Senate (SEMA-FH),
  4. Student Senate of the Faculty of Economics Student Senate (SEMA-FE),
  5. Student Senate of the Faculty of Psychology Student Senate (SEMA-Fpsi), and
  6. Student Senate of the Faculty of Information Technology Student Senate (SEMA-FTI)

The Student Association is an executive institution which carries out reasoning and scientific activities in each study program. The Student Association ofYARSI University consists of:

  1. HIMA Management Study Program
  2. HIMA Accounting Study Program
  3. HIMA Informatics Engineering Study Program
  4. HIMA Library Science Study Program

Center for Indonesian Medical Students' Activities (CIMSA) is an independent, nationalist, inclusive, non-political, and non-partisan organization of medical students in Indonesia. CIMSA is an organization of medical students in Indonesia that aims to increase the medical student capacity towards prosperous and educated nation. CIMSA also aims to actively cooperate with the international community in efforts to restore world health, and to fight for the dignity and sovereignty of the Indonesian people in the eyes of other nations. CIMSA is the only Indonesian NMO (National Member Organization) affiliated with IFMSA (International Federation of Medical Students' Associations), the largest medical student organization in the world.

CIMSA of YARSI Faculty of Medicine has officially become an observer at the 2015 National Leadership Summit and was approved as a local at the 2016 National Leadership Summit. CIMSA of YARSI Faculty of Medicine has 4 fields of work in different domains from 4 Standing Committees, namely:

  1. Standing Committee on Human Rights and Peace (SCORP)
  2. Standing Committee on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights including HIV & AIDS (SCORA)
  3. Standing Committee on Research Exchange (SCORE)
  4. Standing Committee on Public Health (SCOPH)

To find out more about CIMSA FK YARSI, please visit

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