Train and Grow Student Pride, IT Study Program Holds Technology Exhibition

Artificial intelligence (artificial intelligence ), Internet of Things (IoT) and Mobile Application Development have now penetrated various areas of life. Likewise, the use of smartphones, mobile applications, has long been widespread in people's lives, from households, educational institutions, hospitals, businesses, health to government services. Including the application of IoT with internet support and the two previous technologies are widely used in today's modern society.

Head of the Information Technology Study Program at Yarsi University, Elan, Suherlan S.Si, M.Si (Elan) stated this during the Information Technology Study Program (IT Prodi) Exhibition at Yarsi University, yesterday.

Elan further said, AI, IoT and Mobile Application development have become areas of interest in the IT Study Program. Then students who have taken part in the specialization are given the opportunity to display their work in exhibitions.

The aim of the exhibition is to train and foster students' pride in completing project-based learning activities, producing work according to client needs. And it can be called an event personal branding, sharing experiences, especially for juniors, on how to study on specialization tracks,

According to the Master's Alumnus of the Bogor Agricultural Institute, this exhibition was extraordinary because in the busy and busy daily schedule of the Chairman of the Yarsi Foundation, Prof. Dr. Journalist Uddin, PAK was able to attend to review the exhibition and seriously interact with the students participating in the exhibition. Likewise the Chancellor of Yarsi University, Prof. Dr. Fasli Jalal, Ph.D, Dean of the Faculty of Information Technology, Dr. Ummi Azizah Rachmawati, S.Kom, M.Kom, Deputy Dean I Herika Hayurani, S.Kom, M.Kom.

Lecturers and students across study programs and faculties were also enthusiastic about seeing this performance." "Thank God, this event was a success, even though the preparations were short," Elan exclaimed yesterday.

Elan, who is also the head of the Software Engineering and Human Computer Interaction Research Laboratory at Yarsi University, invites students to instill a spirit of learning and achievement.

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FTI student Shabrina Muthia Adani, one of the exhibitors, was happy with this performance. Shabrina as the head of the group showed an interest in the name Frankenstein, namely the normal and abnormal classification of Adam's genital organs (penis),

He said that abnormal problems with the penis could include health problems such as infection, inflammation or sexual disorders. Based on these problems, the 6th semester students and their team want to develop a mobile application that can detect normal and abnormal penises through an artificial intelligence classification model (artificial intelligence ), and developing consulting and professional service business models.

Through application development, it is hoped that patients can consult health doctors using mobile-based software, thereby helping patients remotely.

What was the background to taking on the Frankenstein project? The team from Shabrina, Sona Maulita Sihaloho and Satrio Budi Pamungkas explained that initially this project already existed, specifically for hypospadias, it was then divided into 2, namely chorde, and normal and abnormal in the penis. This Frankenstein group obtained normal and abnormal parts of the penis by using artificial intelligence (AI).

"This application has not yet been published on Google Playstore or Appstore, but for Ashoka itself, which is the main project for Hypospadias, it is already available on Playstore," they said.

Muhammad Razi Rizzardi (Razi) and a team of other exhibitors showed that Sepsis (a type of Ayan or Step disease) is the main cause of death in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and costs hospitals billions every year.

Razi and his team, Mochammad Haikal Abyan Gibran and Fadhlurrahman Asidiq Priyotomo created a project using an AI model to produce treatment recommendations for sepsis patients in the ICU. "The model developed tends to be more varied in providing patient doses compared to previous models," said Razi and Tim, who are also in the 6th semester.

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Meanwhile, Azzahri Alfiansyah, Banafa Shafa Almanna Hidayah, Rido Rahmat created the Smart Waste Bin Management project using IoT to overcome the problem of accumulation and distribution of waste in the Faculty environment. The trash can is full and unpleasant odors around the trash can can be avoided. This system uses sensors to monitor the level of trash bin contents in real-time and sends the data via a wireless network to cleaning staff.

The aim of this project is to develop a prototype of a waste bin monitoring system real-time using IoT. Makes it easier for janitors to manage (empty and clean) trash cans at the right time.

If it's like this, come on, those who have work, look forward to joining the upcoming exhibition (usman)