Wastewater treatment

Sewage treatment ponds are specifically designed to handle the management of liquid waste that is produced as a result of activities on campus. The results of treating the wastewater to ensure that it is free of infectious agents are then directed into the communal sewers located beyond the campus.

Figure 1. Pool Sewage Treatment Figure 2. Sewer wastewater off campus

Water-conscious planting and Promoting conscious water usage

Stickers with the message “Save Water” are positioned in critical sites across the YARSI University Campus, including restrooms, sinks, ablution facilities, and other similar areas, to encourage the responsible use of clean water. In addition, warnings are printed on the sticker to advise those who use water to turn off the water faucet whenever they are not using it.

Figure 1. The “Save Water” logo on the toilet Figure 2. The “Save Water” logo on the hand washing station
Figure 3. The “Save Water” Logo at the Wudlu Place Figure 3. The “Save Water” Logo at the Wudlu Place