Full Name : Dr. Ir. Any Setiangrum, M.E.Sy
Email address :
Academic Qualification :
  • (Ir) Agribisnis, Fakultas Pertanian di UniversitasJendral Soerdirman
  • (M.E.Sy) Perbankan syariah di Universitas Azzahra
  • (Doktor) Doctoral Program onIslamic EconomicsScience, Airlangga University
No Phone Office : 021 4206675
Area of Expertise :
  1. Economics Science
  2. Sharia Banking & Finance
  3. Research Method
Research Grants:
  1. Ministry of Research and Technology, RI, Researchentitled: The Systematization of The Implementation Real Sector Index on Sharia Banking
  1. Zakat as a Tax Credit for Raising Indonesian Tax Revenue, International Journal of Zakat 4 (1), 77-87 | vol: | issue : | 2019;
  1. The Pattern of Islamic Fiscal, The Urgency for Governance Solution, Lamber Academic Publishing, Germany, 2017, ISBN-13:978-620-2-02653-6, ISBN-10:6202026537, EAN:9786202026536. Book language:English
  1. Presenter on the ‘DCIEF & BIES Conference 2019-Islamic Finance: New Frontiers in Economic Development’, at Durham University Business School , United Kingdom.
    Paper: Qualification of Islamic Price Modeling With Real Sector Index
  2. Presenter on Gadjah Mada International Conference on Islamic Economics and Development (GAMAICIED) 2018.
    Paper: The Best Incentive Treatment To Increase Tax Revenue Through Zakat & Religious Donations In Indonesia
  3. Presenter on The 3rd International Conference On Islamic Economics And Financial Inclusion (ICIEFI) – 2018,Islamic Social Finance For Sustainable Develpoment Goals, at Muhammadiyah University, Yogyakarta .
    Paper: Optimizing Public Revenue Through The Strategy of Zakah As Tax Credit in Indonesia
  4. Presenter on 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy (ICIEBP), held by Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Center of Islamic Philanthropy and Social Finance UiTM Malaysia & Institut Manajemen Zakat (IMZ)
    Paper: Sharia Maqashid On The Fiscal Policy , The Urgency In The Modern Era
  5. Speaker in International Seminar on “The Practice of Islamic Law in The Modern Law” (Internasional), UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, December 2013.
    Paper: Systematization of Business Ethics Through The Implementation of Musharaka Contract, Case Study Results for Farmers Tradition in Indonesia
  6. Presenter in International Conference on Islamic Economic & Civilization (ICIEC 2014) “Strenghtening Islamic Economics for The World Civilization, Challenges and Prospects” (Internasional).
    Paper:State Financial Management Based on Sharia Maqashid
  1. The Best Graduate on Bachelor Degree of Agribusiness Program of Jendral Soedirman University, & Master Degree ofSharia Banking of Azzahra University.