Surname : Dwijo Kangko
First Name : Danang
Email address :
Academic Qualification : Master's degree in Information Technology for Library
No Phone Office :
Venia Legendi (qualification to teach) :
  1. Integrated Library System (Library Automation)
  2. Digital Library
  3. Records Management
  4. Eletronic Data Management
  5. Semantic Web
  6. Internet and Website Tehnology
  7. UI/UX.
Further Qualifications : Scientific Journal Management, Scholarly Communiation
At the Higher Education Institution (to be accredited) since: : 2019
Level of Employment (part-time or full-time): : Full-time leturer
Teaching Focus : Information Technology in Library.
Interdisciplinary Aspects : My expertise in understanding user behavior and human-computer interaction has enabled me to develop user-friendly library systems and applications. In one of my recent projects, I collaborated with a team of librarians and users to identify pain points and usability issues in the existing library system. By conducting user research and applying design thinking principles, I developed a new system that is more intuitive, user-friendly, and aligns with the needs and preferences of the users. I also incorporated social aspects of technology use, such as the importance of information sharing and community building in the library environment, into the system design. This approach resulted in a more cohesive and collaborative library experience for users, leading to increased engagement and satisfaction.
Activities in the Areas :
Further Education : I have conducted various workshops and training sessions on topics related to my expertise, such as integrated library system using SLiMS, user research, and design thinking. These sessions were aimed at students, professionals, and other interested individuals seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills in these areas.
Research : I have been actively involved in research projects related to my field of expertise, focusing on areas such as user behavior, user experience, and technology acceptance. My research has been published in peer-reviewed journals and presented at various conferences and symposiums.
Consultancy : I have provided consultancy services to various organizations, including libraries, schools, university, and NGO, seeking to improve their products or services by incorporating user-centered design principles. I have also provided guidance on research methodology and data analysis to clients seeking to conduct user research.
How are personal research activities reflected in teaching activities? : I am able to bring new and relevant knowledge into the classroom, and engage students with cutting-edge ideas and techniques. Additionally, my personal research often informs the development of new courses or course modules, which allows me to share my own research interests and expertise with students in a structured and meaningful way. Overall, I believe that a strong connection between personal research and teaching is essential for providing students with the most comprehensive and impactful educational experience possible.
Work experience: :  
General : I have worked in various organizations, including academic institutions, research centers, and non-governmental organizations. In these roles, I have gained experience in project management, research, and teaching.
Activities as an expert : As an expert, I have been involved in various projects related to the development and evaluation of information systems, especially in the library and information science field. I have also been involved in consultancy work for organizations that require advice on the development of information systems or digital libraries.
Publication :
  1. Kangko, D. D., Ismayati, N., Maulana, A. Y., Putri, C. M., & Marlinda, S. P. (2022). ARTERI and Perception of its Using: Archive Management Technology. International Journal of Advanced Digital Library and Information Science, 2(1).
  2. Almaida, S., Kangko, D. D., & Wardiyono, W. (2022). Analisis Usabilty Antarmuka Halaman Kerja (Back Office) SLiMS Versi 8 Akasia Menggunakan Nielsen’s Attributes of Usability. VISI PUSTAKA: Buletin Jaringan Informasi Antar Perpustakaan, 24(1), 5-56.
  3. Marlinda, S. P., Ismayati, N., Maulana, A. Y., Kangko, D. D., & Putri, C. M. (2022). University Archive and Its Value. International Journal of Advanced Digital Library and Information Science, 2(3).
  4. Kurnianingsih, I., Wardiyono, W., Rosini, R., & Kangko, D. D. (2021). Program Literasi Perpustakaan Desa Ciseeng Berbasis Inklusi Sosial Di Masa Pandemi. WIDYA LAKSANA, 241-250.
  5. Kangko, D. D., Pranajaya, P., & Wardiyono, W. (2021). Revitalisasi Perpustakaan SMK Bina Pangudi Luhur Berbasis Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi. Jurnal ABDINUS: Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara, 5(1), 190-200.
  6. Wardiyono, W., Erza, E. K., & Kangko, D. D. (2021). Modernisasi Pelayanan Perpustakaan Sekolah berbasis SchILS dan Katalog Induk KAMAYA bagi pengelola Perpustakaan Sekolah: Pelatihan Tenaga Pengelola Berbasis Daring. Prosiding Lembaga Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas YARSI, 1.
  7. Kamil, M. I., Erza, E. K., & Kangko, D. D. (2020). Analisis Kebutuhan Untuk Temu Kembali Informasi Bidang Kesehatan Topik Tuberculosis Pada Yarsi TB Care. Shaut Al-Maktabah: Jurnal Perpustakaan, Arsip dan Dokumentasi, 12(2), 101-116.
  8. Wardiyono, W., Kurnianingsih, I., Kangko, D. D., Ismayati, N., Kamil, M. I., &… (2020). Otomasi Layanan Perpustakaan Sekolah Untuk Peningkatan Literasi Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja di SMA 1 Muhammadiyah Jakarta Pusat. Info Abdi Cendekia, 3(1).
  10. More:
Membership :
  1. Ikatan Sarjana Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi Indonesia (ISIPII)
  2. Himpunan Editor Berkala Ilmiah Indonesia (HEBII)
Management Activities :
Acedemic Activities :
  1. Putri, C. M., Ismayati, N., Maulana, A. Y., Kangko, D. D., & Marlinda, S. P. (2022). ARTERI and Perception of its Using: Archive Management Technology. International Journal of Advanced Digital Library and Information Science, 2(1).
  2. Marlinda, S. P., Ismayati, N., Maulana, A. Y., Kangko, D. D., & Putri, C. M. (2022). University Archive and Its Value. International Journal of Advanced Digital Library and Information Science, 2(3).
  3. Kangko, D. D., Kusuma, W. A., & Muljono, P. (2018). Google Analytics Implementation on SLiMS Online Catalog in Library of Indonesian National Disaster Management Agency. Proceeding of International Conference on Documentation and Information, 1, 123-130.
Personal Background/ Experience :
Books :
Conferences :
Awards :
Certification :