Surname : Ismayati
First Name : Nita
Email address :
Academic Qualification : Master's degree in Library and Information Science
No Phone Office :
Venia Legendi (qualification to teach) :
  1. Information Literacy
  2. Information Preservation
  3. Records Management
  4. Archive Management
  5. Qualitative Research
  6. Article Writing
  7. Health Information
Further Qualifications :
  1. Information Management
  2. Scientific Writing
  3. Research methods
  4. Health Records Management
  5. Records and Archive Preservation
At the Higher Education Institution (to be accredited) since: : 2011
Level of Employment (part-time or full-time): : Full-time lecturer
Teaching Focus :
  1. Information management includes information preservation
  2. information literacy
  3. records management
  4. health information
  5. archive repository
Interdisciplinary Aspects : My expertise in Information Management encourages me to teach, research, and do community services in those areas subject. In implementing information management, communication skill is very important to communicate with internal and external stakeholders.  It is also needed insight into other disciplines to do it such as organizational management, and information organization. Creating YARSI Records Classification Scheme is an example of an instrument in record management which is involved stakeholders in the creation process. YARSI Records Classification Scheme is now implemented in Universitas YARSI. I also teach, conduct research, and do a service community in the field of information management, such as a service community in Bantarsari Village to build village archive governance involving students and village staff, and doing research in bibliotherapy for children patients in several hospitals in Indonesia.
Activities in the Areas : Teaching, research, writing publications, and doing community services are my main tasks as a lecturer.  Besides that, I also give the training for education staff in my institution and a speaker about the strategy to get credible health information for students and teachers in collaboration with a doctor
Further Education : I have conducted various workshops and training sessions on topics related to my expertise, such as filing systems, and official correspondence for educational staf. Information literacy for students and teachers, and writing scientific for teachers These sessions were aimed to enhance their knowledge and skills in these areas.
Research : I have been actively involved in research projects related to my field of expertise:

  1. focusing on areas such as health information
  2. information literacy, and records management
  3. My research has been published in peer-reviewed national journals and an international journal with my students.
Consultancy : I have provided consultancy services to my institution to improve our records management according to the standard.
How are personal research activities reflected in teaching activities? : The results of personal research activities serve as input to improve the qualities of our student knowledge and skills, for example, the lack of information literacy skills of Universitas YARSI students which result of my research in 2013 was an input for teaching materials to improve their abilities in Information Literacy Courses in our curriculum.
Work experience: :
General : I have worked in various organizations, including company, non-governmental organization, and academic institution.  I have gotten much knowledge and experience in an academic institution.  I was the head of the Library and Information Science Department for nine years (2012-2021) and during these periods, I led the department to get the highest achievement, an A Grade for national accreditation. In that period, our department was the only department with A grade accreditation.
Activities as an expert : As a lecturer, I got a national certificate as a professional lecturer.  I teach my subjects to students and education staff, do a research every year, and give a service to the community. I write  publications regarding the subjects in journals and national media.  I got the copyright for the output of research and education in information management.  As an internal auditor in education management, I have assessed the units in my institution since 2017 and as a national competency assessor in records management, I assessed educational staff of a university in 2022.  Besides that, I also reviewed articles for some national journals.
Publication :
Publication :
  1. Putri, C. M., Ismayati, N., Kangko, D. D., Maulana, A. Y., & Marlinda, S. P. (2022). ARTERI and Perception of its Using: Archive Management Technology. International Journal of Advanced Digital Library and Information Science, 2(1).
  2. Marlinda, S. P., Ismayati, N., Maulana, A. Y., Kangko, D. D., & Putri, C. M. (2022). University Archive and Its Value. International Journal of Advanced Digital Library and Information Science, 2(3)
  3. Wardiyono, W., Kurnianingsih, I., Kangko, D. D., Ismayati, N., Kamil, M. I.,… (2020). Otomasi Layanan Perpustakaan Sekolah Untuk Peningkatan Literasi Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja di SMA 1 Muhammadiyah Jakarta Pusat. Info Abdi Cendekia, 3(1).
  4. Ismayati, N, 2014, Peran dan Kompetensi Lulusan Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi dalam Pembangunan di Era Digital, Jurnal Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia, 1(1)
  5. Ismayati, N, 2014, Preservasi, Arsip Vital Perguruan Tinggi: Studi Kasus di Universitas X, Jurnal Pustakawan Indonesia, 13(2)
  6. Ismayati, N, 2015, Pengukuran Literasi Informasi: Kemampuan Penggunaan Sumber-sumber Informasi Digital oleh Mahasiswa Universitas YARSI, Jurnal BiblioTech, 1(1).
  7. Ismayati, N, 2015, Layanan Biblioterapi untuk Pasien Kanker Anak di RSUP Fatmawati, Jurnal Al Kuttab 2(1)
  8. Ernawati, K, Qomariyah, Q, Aslichan, A, Devi, A, Duarsa, ABS, Ismayati, N, 2015, Analisis Pengaruh Tingkat Efisiensi Tenaga Kesehatan Terhadap Angka Penemuan Kasus Tuberkulosis (Tb) Paru Di Gorontalo, Prosiding SNaPP: Kesehatan (Kedokteran, Kebidanan, Keperawatan, Farmasi, Psikologi),
  9. Ismayati, N, 2016, Otomasi  Perpustakaan  Sekolah  dengan Software SliMS di SMA N 5 dan SMA N 30 Jakarta: Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Majalah IKALIPSI, 8(1)
  10. Kurnianingsih, I, Rosini, Ismayati, N, 2017, Upaya Peningkatan Kemampuan Literasi Digital Bagi Tenaga Perpustakaan Sekolah dan Guru di Wilayah Jakarta Pusat Melalui Pelatihan Literasi Informasi, Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (Indonesian Journal of Community) (Engagement) UGM Volume 3, 3(1)
  11. Dwinugrahaningtyas,E, Ismayati, N, Biblioterapi dalam Perawatan Pasien Anak di RSI Banyubening serta Tinjauannya Menurut Islam, Bibliotech: Jurnal Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi,
  12. Nurwahyuningsih R, Ismayati N, 2019, Evaluasi Kegiatan Preservasi Fisik Naskah Kuno di Perpustakaan Nasional RI Menggunakan Model CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) Bibliotech: Jurnal Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi, 4 (1),
  13. more:
Membership :
  1. Asosiasi Penyelanggara Pendidikan Tinggi Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi Indonesia (APTIPI’s Board)
  2. Ikatan Sarjana Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi Indonesia (ISIPII)
  3. Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia (IPI)
Management Activities :  
Acedemic Activities :
  1. Putri, C. M., Ismayati, N., Maulana, A. Y., Kangko, D. D., & Marlinda, S. P. (2022). ARTERI and Perception of its Using: Archive Management Technology. International Journal of Advanced Digital Library and Information Science, 2(1).
  2. Marlinda, S. P., Ismayati, N., Maulana, A. Y., Kangko, D. D., & Putri, C. M. (2022). University Archive and Its Value. International Journal of Advanced Digital Library and Information Science, 2(3)
Personal Background/ Experience :  
Books :  
Conferences :  
Awards :  
Certification :