Relationships with regional NGOs and government for SDG policy
In 2021, YARSI University collaborated with Charoen Pokphan Indonesia, PT Unilever Indonesia, the Pandeglang Regency Government, and the Pandeglang Regency Health Office to reduce stunting rates in the Pandeglang Regency. The principal activity carried out was egg intervention for infants for six months. Integrated Service Post (Posyandu) cadre training, nutrition training for expectant women, parenthood training, and juvenile counseling were also provided. According to the results, egg consumption by 266 infants in 10 stunting loci in Pandelang affected their weight gain and height. The number of infants with restricted growth decreased by 11.5%.
In 2022, malnutrition management activities persisted in the Pandeglang district. Kedaireka Matching Fund (DIKTI), PT Bio Farma, Charoen Pokphand Foundation Indonesia, PT Optima Consultant, and Bandung Computer and Social Science Expert Community (KAKIS) are among the activity partners. Continued egg interventions for toddlers and innovative activities utilizing the CENTURIONE method (Centingplus integration of Nutrition, Epigenetics, and Cognitive data) are available. The CENTURIONE approach facilitates surveillance of the burden of malnutrition in the Pandeglang region by identifying malnourished populations or individuals at risk of stunting and targeting nutritional intake interventions, which are indicated both biologically (epigenetic) and anthropometrically (integrated) in the siCENTING plus application. The egg intervention increased body weight among infants who were stunted or at risk of stunting in the target villages and enhanced posyandu cadre skills in anthropometric measurements and nutrient education. Epigenetic mapping activities reveal a correlation between stunting phenotypes and reduced methylation levels in infants (0-2 years old). Cognitive testing results indicate that education and income affect the cognitive scores of children aged 4-5. Villages can use Si Centing+ application data to organize their budgets for stunting reduction programs.
The mass media provides coverage of efforts to address stunting in the region of Pandeglang:
Cross sectoral dialogue about SDGs
The recently established SDGs Center at YARSI University actively engaged in the cross-sectoral conversation conference for the Implementation of SDGs Achievement, organized by the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) of DKI Jakarta Province on December 15, 2021. The conversation activity was attended by 259 participants from various sectors, including government, universities, civil society groups, the business sector, charity, media, and research institutes.
Prior to the establishment of the Yarsi SDGs Center, university officials have actively participated in SDGs conversation forums at both regional and worldwide levels (source:
2022 has seen a notable rise in cross-sectoral dialogue initiatives about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). YARSI University invited Bappenas to participate as a speaker at the Artificial Intelligence Innovation webinar, which aims to expedite the attainment of the Health Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The webinar is scheduled for Wednesday, April 20, 2022. The webinar was organized as a joint effort including academic institutions, government entities, and media organizations (source:; ).
International collaboration data gathering for SDG
The study team from YARSI University collaborated with Professor Susan Woskie from the Department of Public Health at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. A study was conducted to investigate the potential health consequences of pesticides by examining the thyroid hormone levels of female farmers residing in Banten Province. The results of this investigation were disseminated in the International Journal of Environmental and Public Health Research, a well-regarded indexed scholarly publication.
Reference:MARDHIYAH, Dian, dkk. Perbandingan Kadar Hormon Tiroid antara Petani Perempuan dan Non-Petani di Banten Indonesia. Jurnal Internasional Penelitian Lingkungan dan Kesehatan Masyarakat, 2021, 18.12: 6618.
International cooperation in the field of health and information technology research is ongoing, as seen by the involvement of a research team from Malaysia in a study titled “Adopting Signal Processing Technique for Osteoporosis Detection Based on CT Scan Image.” The findings of the research cooperation have been disseminated via publication in an internationally recognized journal indexed in Scopus. The publication may be accessed at the following link:
Collaboration for SDG best practice
Since 2021, YARSI University Lecturers have engaged in international research partnerships with various foreign specialists, focusing on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These collaborations have continued to date. The study’s findings have been disseminated via publication in internationally recognized journals indexed in Scopus. The researchers from the University of Stirling collaborated with partners to perform a study on the efficacy of Opioid Agonist Treatment (OAT) programs for incarcerated individuals with Tuberculosis (TB). This research aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 3 and 17, which focus on ensuring good health and well-being for everyone and fostering partnerships to achieve sustainable development, respectively. The study conducted a systematic review to analyze qualitative evidence about the obstacles and enablers of implementing Opioid Agonist Treatment (OAT) programs in prisons across high-income and low/middle-income countries (LMICs). The objective was to offer a more comprehensive and contextualized comprehension of how various prison stakeholders perceive and encounter OAT programs within diverse prison environments. The research article can be accessed at the following link:
This study examines the impact of thyroid hormone levels in women farmers, involving collaborative efforts between the University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA, and Mahidol University, Thailand. The research aligns with Sustainable Development Goals 3, 5, and 17. A study conducted in 2022 by researchers affiliated with Griffith University investigated the self-regulatory responses of young adults about positive career goal discrepancies. The research project aligns with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 4 and 17. A study investigating the levels of thyroid hormones among women farmers found that 64% of the participants exhibited hypothyroidism for FT3, whereas 16% displayed hypothyroidism for FT4. The levels of FT3 and T4 were found to be considerably elevated in those engaged in farming activities compared to those not involved in farming. According to a study conducted by MDPI, it was found that 32% of the farmers surveyed had inadequate levels of iodine (source:
The study on the practical guidelines for managing diabetes during Ramadan was carried out by lecturers from the University of YARSI in collaboration with 47 academics from other countries, representing more than ten different nations. This research aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 3 and 17. The findings derived from the joint research endeavor are scheduled to be disseminated via publication in internationally recognized journals indexed in 2022. The specific publication may be accessed through the following link: The findings yielded significant insights into the effects of fasting during Ramadan on individuals with type 1 diabetes, the management of diabetes in elderly individuals and pregnant women, the influence of Ramadan on mental well-being, alterations in the likelihood of macrovascular and microvascular complications, and potential avenues for future research.
Collaboration with NGOs for SDGs
In the program “Young Workers’ Vulnerability to HIV Infection Risk and Access to Social Protection,” NGOs and YARSI University lecturers are achieving SDGs 3 and 17. Jakarta-based ILO is the event’s NGO partner. The action began in 2021. This research was ethically reviewed on February 5, 2021. This study on HIV/AIDS risks and social support of young workers attempts to examine Indonesian youth. The research supports Indonesia’s National Decent Employment Program, social security for vulnerable groups, and the ILO’s decent employment for everyone.
Data was collected in DKI Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi. Site selection included the vast number of official and unofficial young employees and trade union workplaces with active members to gather as much information as feasible.
The research indicated that 15-24-year-old workers are more likely to be exposed to sexually transmitted illnesses like HIV owing to their behavior and might face unforeseen employment dangers. Young workers must recognize HIV dangers and alter their attitudes. The influence of OSH education on HIV susceptibility is unclear to employers. Young workers get less than half of social security. This means they may lose their property and become impoverished if they catch HIV or have a job mishap. On June 27, 2023, the ILO honored YARSI University instructors in Jakarta (
Publication of SDG reports
YARSI University produces the 2021–2022 sustainability report The report is filed through YARSI University supports SDGs 1,2,3,4,5,10,16 and 17.
Goal 1 provides scholarships to low-income students and helps low-income entrepreneurs learn Internet marketing tactics. Goal 2 includes a report on on-campus food waste management and the Friday blessing program, which distributes free food and beverages to the academic community and the local community in need, coordinated by The Student Spiritual Activity Unit and YARSI University Mosque Management to assist the needy.
Students, YARSI University Mosque Management. Goal 3 reports Pandeglang district stunting prevention initiatives, mass media health education, and infrastructural amenities. Employing mass media and university infrastructure for sports for the academic community and surrounding communities. Goal 4 reports on campus distance learning with e-learning and the digital library and digital Islamic library that can be utilized for sports by the academic and campus communities. Online Islamic and digital libraries. Objective 5 reports on PPKS counseling services and counselor training for academics and the general public. Objective 10 details sexual violence prevention activities at YARSI University. Objectives 16 and 17 promote TPB (Teaching et al.) by treating campus wastewater and implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education.
SDGs 3 Reports
YARSI University has created YARSI TB care as a means to engage in community service endeavors aimed at enhancing the involvement of cadres and providing assistance to Community Health Centers (Puskesmas) in the Tuberculosis (TB) control program (Kamil et al., 2020). Furthermore, YARSI University is actively engaged in performing research endeavors focused on mapping genetic differences among the Indonesian population, specifically those that influence the adverse consequences associated with tuberculosis (TB) therapy. According to a study conducted by Yuliwulandari et al. (2019), researchers from YARSI discovered a correlation between polymorphisms in the NAT2 acetylator gene and the occurrence of liver damage resulting from the administration of anti-tuberculosis drugs. Notably, the same genetic variant is also linked to TB infection, exhibiting resistance to many anti-tuberculosis medications (Yuliwulandari et al., 2021). In addition, YARSI is now developing diagnostic methodologies aimed at identifying human genetic variants that might contribute to varying levels of susceptibility to tuberculosis infection (Prayuni et al., 2021). Furthermore, the researchers at YARSI have developed an internet-based mobile application to assess the efficacy and safety of tuberculosis medications within the community in conjunction with their genetic methodology (Wijayanti et al., 2022). YARSI’s mission includes an integrated strategy encompassing fundamental research and research and development.
- Kamil, M. I., Erza, E. K., & Kangko, D. D. (2020). ANALISIS KEBUTUHAN UNTUK TEMU KEMBALI INFORMASI BIDANG KESEHATAN TOPIK TUBERCULOSIS PADA YARSI TB CARE. Shaut Al-Maktabah : Jurnal Perpustakaan, Arsip Dan Dokumentasi, 12(2).
- Prayuni, K., Razari, I., Nihayah, S., & Yuliwulandari, R. (2021). The Use of High Resolution Melting (HRM) Method to Detect rs1800629 of Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) Gene among Tuberculosis Patients. Medical Laboratory Technology Journal, 7(1).
- Wijayanti, E., Bachtiar, A., Achadi, A., Rachmawati, U. A., Sjaaf, A. C., Eryando, T., Besral, Trihono, Siregar, K. N., & Vidiawati, D. (2022). Mobile application development for improving medication safety in tuberculosis patients: A quasi-experimental study protocol. PLoS ONE, 17(9 September).
- Yuliwulandari, R., Prayuni, K., Razari, I., Susilowati, R. W., Zulhamidah, Y., Soedarsono, S., Sofro, A. S. M., & Tokunaga, K. (2021). Genetic characterization of N-acetyltransferase 2 variants in acquired multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Indonesia. Pharmacogenomics, 22(3).
- Yuliwulandari, R., Prayuni, K., Susilowati, R. W., Subagyo, S., Soedarsono, S., M Sofro, A. S., Tokunaga, K., & Shin, J. G. (2019). NAT2 slow acetylator is associated with anti-tuberculosis drug-induced liver
YARSI University is actively disseminating knowledge to the community on the factual aspects of HIV and AIDS, as well as strategies for prevention. A recent study by Yasmin et al. (2022) used an innovative educational approach among high school students, using the “YARSI HIV AIDS Care smart card.” This invention facilitates efficient communication, enabling the community to engage in preventing and managing HIV and AIDS transmission actively. YARSI was awarded by the International Labour Organization (ILO) for its notable engagement in addressing the HIV/AIDS crisis in Jakarta.
- Yasmin, I. F., Djannatun, T., & Widiyanti, D. (2022). EDUKASI DENGAN PERMAINAN EDUKATIF “KARTU PINTAR YARSI HIV-AIDS CARE” DI SMA 27 JAKARTA. Info Abdi Cendekia, 4(1).
Education for SDGs commitment to meaningful education
The alignment between course content and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is evident in the Semester Learning Plan (RPS) template of all study programs at YARSI University, starting in 2021. This template is tailored to the specific course material within each study program. The creation of RPS (Research and Publication System) involves the incorporation of ties to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at several levels, including input, process, output, and result. The connection between the stages is denoted by the presence of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) target number at each stage, along with a corresponding explanation in the RPS description section. The RPS template incorporates an assessment of whether the design developed by each team of instructors teaching the course is inclusive of individuals with disabilities. The answer choices provided for different disability groups are as follows: a) Visually impaired: visual impairment (excluding color blindness), b) Deaf: hearing impairment, c) Disabled: mild cerebral palsy, amputation, d) Borderline: intellectual disability, and e) Mental disability: ADHD, Bipolar, Mild Spectrum Autism. Incorporating response options about ‘Disability Friendly’ exemplifies the notion of No One Left Behind within the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
YARSI University’s commitment in the field of Education for SDGs can be seen on the website
(The integration of SDGs into YARSI University’s Semester Learning Plan (RPS) can be viewed at the following link:
Education for SDGs: specific courses on sustainability
Since the year 2021, YARSI University has included Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) content into an integrated course as part of the Community Service Program (KKN) preparation. This course is allocated a duration of 2 hours for student engagement. The distribution of SDGs-themed content is implemented in accordance with the particular goals of KKN, as outlined in the KKN handbook. These objectives primarily aim to enhance students’ comprehension of SDGs and the role of Higher Education in attaining them. Furthermore, the study program curriculum incorporates SDGs material as an integral component of the course content. As an example, within the medical undergraduate curriculum, there are instructional sessions that delve into the subject matter of Community Medicine and the National Health System. During the lecture, a comprehensive discussion on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is presented in a single session, for 2 credits. The session is specifically focused on the subject of “SDGs and the Role of Health within the SDGs.”
The materials about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) inside the KKN guide and RPS of the medical undergraduate study program may be accessed using the provided hyperlink: