Low-income student support
YARSI University contributes to poverty alleviation by offering full scholarship support to students from low-income families. In 2021, 58 YARSI University students received scholarships, with 48 students receiving scholarships from the Indonesia Smart College Card (KIPK) and the BIDIKMISI (10 students).
Local start-up assistance
The Secretariat of the Directorate General of Higher Education Research and Technology, Ministry of Education, Culture Research and Technology provided funding assistance to YARSI University in 2021 for the Independent Learning Policy Research Program of the Independent Campus (MBKM) and Community Service (PKM) Based on Research Results and Prototypes.
YARSI University’s program aims to improve marketing capabilities among members of small prosperous warung business groups through the use of a mobile app.
In the midst of the current pandemic, the Warung Sejahtera, or Small Business Group, faces difficulties in maintaining and expanding its operations. This challenge is related not only to product manufacturing but also to product sales. Members of the prosperous stalls currently operate in four business fields: culinary, convection, handicrafts, and retail.
Pembentukan Koperasi Syariah Mempertahankan dan Juga Memajukan Usaha Pada Kondisi Pendemi | KRJOGJA
Programmes for services access
- On the 2nd and 4th of December 2021, Yarsi University provided online training and mentoring to 60 Jakpreneurs or micro, small, and medium enterprises (UMKM) with the assistance of DPAPP DKI Jakarta Province. The training’s goal is to improve Jakpreneur’s ability so that their product sales increase. Women entrepreneurs make up 67 percent of the DKI Jakarta Province PPAPP Office’s 13,800 Jakpreneurs. Simple Finance for MSMEs; MSME HR Management; Canvas Business Models; Branding and Marketing; and Product Photos are among the training materials provided by YARSI University resource persons.
Dinas PPAPP-Universitas Yarsi Beri Pelatihan dan Pendampingan 60 Jakpreneur (jakarta.go.id)
- The Master of Management Study Program at YARSI University trains MSMEs on business transformation strategies from offline to online, as well as strategies to improve marketing through social media platforms or websites such as marketplaces, online marketing tips, the use of simple accounting bookkeeping applications and halal products, as well as the halal certification process.
MM Universitas Yarsi Latih UMKM Teknis Halal Digital marketing – Universitas YARSI