Research on gender equality
The total number of articles published by YARSI University Lecturers in publications on gender equality over the last five years (2017 – 2021) is 539 articles (figure 1)
The total number of articles with female authors in publications on gender equality over the last five years (2017 – 2021) is 81 articles (figure 2)
The proportion of the number of scientific articles with YARSI university lecturer authors being female in articles on gender equality for the last five years (2017 – 2021) is 15.02%.

Women’s access schemes
On the campus of YARSI University, both male and female students are eligible for scholarships. It is established that the number of students who win scholarships in 2021 is 58 persons, most of whom are women, precisely 42 persons. In addition, there are no gender restrictions on the campus’s student services (i.e., counseling guidance, interest and talent development, health services, soft skills training, and scientific writing), so female students have equal access to all service facilities.
Scholarship service: SDG’s – NO POVERTY
Counseling services: PPKS Uversitas Yarsi
Health services:
- YARSI Clinic: @klinik.yarsi
- Yarsi Hospital: Rumah Sakit Yarsi
Scientific paper training:
Interest and talent services under the coordination of the student Senate: Ormawa
Women’s application in underrepresented subjects
YARSI University’s Information Technology study program has a relatively minor number of female students than male students. To help students improve their ability to understand subjects (predominantly female students), the study program manager held several scientific activities, including a) implementation of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Application in Medicine and b) strategies for obtaining scholarships to study abroad. The result of the guidance from the lecturers of the Information Technology study program is that one of the female students has the opportunity to participate in a student exchange with the Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Thammasat.
Derry Wijaya, Dalam Webinar FTI.UY Seri 4 : AI dan NLP Tumbuh Pesat, Mahasiswa Yarsi Teliti Machine Learning & Healthcare
Mahasiswa Universitas Yarsi Ikut Pertukaran Pelajar ke Kampus Thailand