Relationships with regional NGOs and government for SDG policy
- YARSI University has played a role in the stunting reduction program in Pandeglang Regency since 2019 – now
Since 2019 until now, YARSI University has participated in helping the Pandeglang Regency Government to reduce the Stunting rate in Pandeglang Regency. YARSI University collaborates with other stakeholders in implementing the stunting reduction program in Pandeglang Regency. The collaboration with PT Unilever Indonesia includes:
- training for health cadres at Integrated Service Posts (Posyandu),
- nutrition training for pregnant women,
- parenting training, and
- establishing an alert child home and adolescent counseling.
Nutritional intervention activities are carried out by giving eggs to toddlers every day for six months and collaborating with YARSI University and PT. Charoen Pokphan Indonesia. The stunting reduction program with the support of Si Centing Plus information technology was carried out with the support of grant funds from the Independent Campus Policy Research Program and Community Service Based on Research Results and Prototypes of Private Universities from the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia in 2021 and is a continuation of research activities with YARSI University internal grants in 2021.
Bantu Turunkan Stunting di Pandeglang, Universitas Yarsi Terima Ucapan Bupati – Universitas YARSIRencanakan Anggaran Stunting, Universitas Yarsi Pakai Si Centing Plus | RepJogja ( Universitas YARSI: Balita Stunting Butuhkan Protein Hewani ( YARSI dan PT Charoen Pokphand Jalin Kerjasama Atasi Stunting di Pandeglang – Universitas YARSIProf. dr. Fasli Jalal Rektor YARSI: Balita Stunting Membutuhkan Protein Hewani Untuk Bisa Kembali Tumbuh Normal – Klikers JabarCegah Stunting di Pandeglang, Universitas YARSI Refreshing Kader Posyandu – Universitas YARSIProf. Dr. Fasli Jalal, Ph.D.: Cegah Stunting pada 1.000 Hari Pertama Kehidupan untuk SDM yang Berkualitas – Universitas YARSIUniversitas YARSI Bertekad Entaskan Stunting di Pandeglang, Banten – Universitas YARSIPenanganan Penurunan Stunting di Pandeglang. | Republika Online
Universitas YARSI dan Kemenkes Tanggulangi Stunting | Republika Online - YARSI University establishes a Sharia Cooperative, maintains and advances the business during a pandemic in 2021
YARSI University received Funding Assistance for the Independent Learning Policy Research Program of the Independent Campus (MBKM) and Community Service (PKM) Based on Research Results and Prototypes in 2021 from the Secretariat of the Directorate General of Higher Education Research and Technology, Directorate General of Higher Education Research and Technology, Ministry of Education, Culture Research and Technology.
The program run by YARSI University is to increase marketing capabilities to members of small prosperous warung business groups by using a Mobile App.
The Warung Sejahtera, Small Business Group, has challenges maintaining and advancing business in the current pandemic. This challenge is not only related to product manufacturing but also related to product sales. Currently, members of the prosperous stalls have four business fields, culinary, convection, handicrafts, and grocery stalls. YARSI University also provides training to members to improve product marketing.Pembentukan Koperasi Syariah Mempertahankan dan Juga Memajukan Usaha Pada Kondisi Pendemi | KRJOGJA
- YARSI University provides training and mentoring to 60 micro, small and medium enterprises (UMKM) assisted by DPAPP DKI Jakarta Province in 2021
The DKI Jakarta Provincial Office of Empowerment, Child Protection, and Population Control (PPAPP) collaborated with Yarsi University to hold online training and mentoring for 60 Jakpreneurs or micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) assisted by DPAPP DKI Jakarta Province on 2 – December 4, 2021. The training aims to improve Jakpreneur’s ability to increase sales of its products. 67 percent of the 13,800 Jakpreneurs of the DKI Jakarta Province PPAPP Office are women entrepreneurs. The training materials provided by resource persons from YARSI University include Simple Finance for MSMEs, MSME HR Management; Canvas Business Models; Branding and Marketing; and Product Photos.
Dinas PPAPP-Universitas Yarsi Beri Pelatihan dan Pendampingan 60 Jakpreneur (
- The University of YARSI’s Gait of the Friends of Women and Children Post (Pos Sapa) in 2021
Based on cooperation with the DKI Jakarta Department of Empowerment, Child Protection, and Population Control, Pos Sapa YARSI University was established (PPAPP).
Dinas PPAPP Operasikan Pos SAPA di 10 Perguruan Tinggi ( the occurrence or prevention of violence against women and children, Pos Sapa YARSI University provides aid with complaints, medical care, mediation, social rehabilitation, law enforcement, legal assistance, repatriation, and reintegration services. Its business hours are offline from Monday through Friday, 10 am to 3 pm, and online from Monday through Sunday, 8 am to 8 pm. The Pos Sapa Secretariat is situated on the YARSI University campus.
Peduli Keadilan ,Siap Layani Masyarakat, Pos Sapa UY Bagus Banget – Universitas YARSI
Cross sectoral dialogue about SDGs
The Head of the SDGs and Population Center at YARSI University actively participated in the cross-sectoral dialogue forum on the Implementation of SDG Achievement carried out by the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) of DKI Jakarta Province via a zoom meeting on December 15, 2021. The dialogue forum in DKI Jakarta was attended by 259 stakeholders from the government, universities, civil society organizations, businesses, philanthropy, media, and research institutes.
International Cooperation in SDG Research
The YARSI University research team collaborated with Prof Susan Woskie of the University of Massachusetts Lowell’s Department of Public Health. Thyroid hormone levels in female farmers in Banten Province were studied for health reasons due to pesticides. The study’s findings were published in the International Journal of Environmental and Public Health Research, a reputable indexed international journal.IJERPH | Free Full-Text | Comparison of Thyroid Hormone Levels between Women Farmers and Non-Farmers in Banten Indonesia (
Collaborate with NGOs to tackle the SDGs
Stunting reduction programs have been developed by PT Unilever and PT Charoen Phokphan Indonesia in collaboration with YARSI University. PT Unilever Indonesia and YARSI University work together to educate pregnant mothers about adequate nutritional needs, construct children’s shelters, and provide teen counseling. For the next six months, YARSI University and PT. Charoen Pokphan Indonesia will distribute eggs to stunted youngsters. Si Centing Plus digital technology makes it simple for health personnel to report statistics on stunting prevalence. The Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia provides research funding for activities employing digital technology. Furthermore, the YARSI University Internal Competition Grant provides funding for research efforts. Students from YARSI University’s medicine, psychology, and information technology programs participate in these extracurricular activities.
Bantu Turunkan Stunting di Pandeglang, Universitas Yarsi Terima Ucapan Bupati – Universitas YARSI
Rencanakan Anggaran Stunting, Universitas Yarsi Pakai Si Centing Plus | RepJogja (
Rektor Universitas YARSI: Balita Stunting Butuhkan Protein Hewani (
Universitas YARSI dan PT Charoen Pokphand Jalin Kerjasama Atasi Stunting di Pandeglang – Universitas YARSI
Prof. dr. Fasli Jalal Rektor YARSI: Balita Stunting Membutuhkan Protein Hewani Untuk Bisa Kembali Tumbuh Normal – Klikers Jabar
Cegah Stunting di Pandeglang, Universitas YARSI Refreshing Kader Posyandu – Universitas YARSI
Prof. Dr. Fasli Jalal, Ph.D.: Cegah Stunting pada 1.000 Hari Pertama Kehidupan untuk SDM yang Berkualitas – Universitas YARSI
Universitas YARSI Bertekad Entaskan Stunting di Pandeglang, Banten – Universitas YARSI
Penanganan Penurunan Stunting di Pandeglang. | Republika Online
Universitas YARSI dan Kemenkes Tanggulangi Stunting | Republika Online
Publication of SDG reports
Reference book related to SDG 4
- Character Education Books published by YARSI University in collaboration with the Indonesian Writer and Research Lecturer Community organization and Semiotics publisher. Seventeen lecturers wrote the book from various universities in Indonesia. Character education articles are reviewed from various aspects, namely religion, culture, local wisdom, Pancasila, and the implementation of character education in Islamic boarding schools, Islamic schools, public schools, and universities.
Publication of SDG reportsBook
- Scientific articles from research comparing immune status and fecal microbial metabolite concentrations between stunted and normal children and the relationship between macronutrient intake (including energy), metabolites, and immune status with microbiota composition.
Differences in immune status and fecal SCFA between Indonesian stunted children and children with normal nutritional status – PubMed ( - The findings of a study published in a scholarly journal on differences in the gut microbiota composition of stunted Indonesian children and children with normal nutritional status between the ages of 3 and 5 years old in the Pandeglang and Sumedang districts were presented in a research paper
Differences in immune status and fecal SCFA between Indonesian stunted children and children with normal nutritional status | PLOS ONE - This study aimed to compare the measurement properties and responsiveness of EQ-5D-Y-3L and EQ-5D-Y-5L in pediatric patients. Comparison in feasibility, redistributive nature, discriminatory power, convergent validity, retest-test reliability, and responsiveness. - A systematic review of the Treatment program to prevent HIV transmission in prisons/remand centers. The results of the study are organized into three major themes: (1) perceived benefits of the OAT program, (2) obstacles to the implementation and development of the OAT program, and (3) the treatment process. - The study’s goal was to ascertain how counseling affected the target group’s level of knowledge regarding breast cancer and cervical cancer during the pandemic era. Methods: The study had an average of 40 participants and was performed via Zoom Meeting media with instructional PowerPoint presentations, videos, and BSE demonstrations. The average score from the post-test results, which was greater than the pre-test score, indicated that participants’ knowledge had risen due to the counseling. - Low-income teens have poor life quality. To operate well, people need a high quality of life. This study analyzes if family resilience influences Jakarta teens’ quality of life. This study has 130 participants. Selected participants were convenience-sampled. The Walsh Family Resilience Questionnaire was used to measure family resilience. Regression analysis showed that family resilience improves participants’ quality of life. Family resilience contributed 7–16% to quality of life in each dimension. It may suggest adding a family strength-based strategy to an intervention to improve the quality of life for Jakarta’s low-income teenagers. - COVID-19 has brought more people indoors. Therefore their behavior towards dengue mosquito nests should improve. Cross-sectional study with consecutive sampling in Indonesia during May 6-9, 2020. Ten variables were used to evaluate a Google form questionnaire. The average difference test was used to assess behavioral differences. The community’s conduct in controlling the dengue vector before and after the epidemic did not differ significantly (p>0.005). Continuous teaching on DHF and removing mosquito nests are suggestions. - Several countries still have foodborne disease problems. KAP are risk factors for foodborne sickness. Using a systematic review, researchers assessed food handlers’ knowledge, attitudes, and behavior regarding food hygiene. PRISMA protocol is used for research. PLOS ONE, Pro-Quest, and Google Scholar were searched for articles. Each variable was described. Eight research were submitted (100 percent sociodemography, knowledge, attitude, and conduct). Significant sociodemographic articles averaged 18.5%, experience articles averaged 59.38%, and attitudes articles were 13.33%. 37.5 percent of the articles connected knowledge and food handling practice. - The study investigates stakeholders’ perspectives of halal tourism’s antecedents and city benefits. The study was based in Makassar, a prosperous halal tourism city. A causal loop diagram (CLD) of halal tourism was created using group model building. Network and feedback loop investigations revealed halal tourism’s drivers. Halal tourism partners in the city should seek government help and improve tourist attitudes. Makassar’s halal tourism success has four benefits: an increase in micro-, small-, and medium-sized halal companies, improved assistance from the central and local government to develop halal tourist infrastructure, and increased word-of-mouth promotion of Makassar as a tourism destination (e.g., food and accommodation). - This COVID-19 project examines online education for Indonesian primary children. Survey data were collected using Google forms. COVID-19 and online learning in primary schools were researched using documents, books, and journal articles. Milles and Huberman’s flowchart guided data analysis. COVID-19 can integrate online education in Indonesian elementary classrooms, according to results. COVID-19 helps teachers, students, and parents encourage distance learning in primary schools. - This study examines how the HDI, GDP per capita, and income distribution affect national zakat receipts. This descriptive quantitative cross-sectional study samples 34 Indonesian provinces. The data comes from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) for HDI, per capita GRDP, GINI Ratio Index, and BAZNAS for zakat acceptance in 2018. Multiple linear regression was used to evaluate the data. The gini ratio (income distribution) has a 313.2% positive effect, whereas the other two variables have an indirect effect. - The research aims to examine the factors that affect muzakki and taxpayers’ willing to pay taxes and zakat, boosting public finances in response to COVID-19’s reduction in economic supply and spending in Indonesia. Regulations, zakat tax credits, technology, socializing, and advertising affect muzakki and taxpayer choices. Regulations, tax benefits, socialization, and promotion affect muzakki and taxpayer involvement. Technology does not change muzakki or taxpayer engagement. When all commercial sectors collapse or stagnate, the government must go to the nonprofit sector to maintain the economy, aggregate demand and supply, and people’s purchasing power, especially for low-income people. - The study explores muzakki and taxpayers’ willingness to pay taxes and zakat, raising state finances in response to COVID-19’s reduction in Indonesian economic supply and spending. Tax credits, laws, technology, socializing, and advertising affects taxpayer decisions. Socialization, promotion, and tax benefits affect muzakki and taxpayer participation. Technology does not alter muzakki or voting. When all commercial sectors collapse or stagnate, the government turns to the nonprofit sector to protect the economy, demand, supply, and low-income people’s purchasing power. - The study aims to provide higher education institutions with new pedagogical formulations for ‘Kampus Merdeka’ implementation and to evaluate academics’ achievements in the waqf curriculum throughout the KKM era. Regulators, professors, practitioners, and students are interviewed using FGD and semi-structured interviews. The literature review provides context for the desk study. This study indicated that Waqf stakeholders offered several new creative implementation strategies, including reshaping the national standard Waqf curriculum, linking Waqf education with the Waqf DUDI, and Waqf Literacy Relevant Movement. This study suggests that all parties address impediments, including educator ability and practitioner human resource shortages. This research could be used in Islamic economics courses that teach waqf and other ISF mechanisms. - Teens from low-income families have a poor quality of life. People require a high quality of life in order to function effectively. This study investigates if family resilience influences the quality of life of Jakarta youths. There are 130 people in this study. Participants were convenience sampled. To assess family resilience, the Walsh Family Resilience Questionnaire was employed. According to regression analysis, family resilience enhances participants’ quality of life. Family resilience added 7-16% to the quality of life in each factor. It may recommend incorporating a family strength-based strategy into an intervention to improve the quality of life for low-income teenagers in Jakarta. - The community plays a vital influence in influencing Indonesians’ quality of life, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study explores the impact of community on physical, psychological, social, and environmental health in Jakarta. 289 low-income Jakartans were sampled. Spearman analyzed the data. A sense of community is linked to the social quality of life (p 0.001, spearman rho = 0.342). Sense of community was adversely related to psychological (p = 0.012; p 0.05; rho = -0.147) and physical (p = 0.01; p 0.05; rho = -0.150) quality of life. This result was likely affected by data collection and participant characteristics. The study’s recommendations could help disadvantaged communities and government institutions create social support during the Covid-19 pandemic. - Waste Management in Central Jakarta, Sumur Batu Village, is a YARSI University program for Real Business Lectures (KKN). Domestic and industrial waste is a problem everywhere, including Sumur Batu village in Central Jakarta’s Kemayoran subdistrict. If garbage is thrown recklessly into a river and cannot be used, the river can become shallow and cause flooding. Properly handled garbage can prevent infections and boost Sumur Batu Village’s income and welfare. Good waste management involves the community. In Sumur Batu, every household head’s support and knowledge are important for family wellbeing. Separating household garbage can inspire residents to enhance their economy by producing fertilizer, selling inorganic waste to businesses, or recycling things. - This study examined the benefits of digital applications in automated public services. We have searched scientific articles, books, academic homes, and medicinal applications. A series of data investigations involving coding system analysis, evaluation, and interpretation was conducted to digest the data and answer the study issue. Our electronic data search included 2010 to 2022. We adopted a descriptive qualitative design with a phenomenological approach to acquire the broadest possible data appropriate for answering research questions. This study showed various benefits of employing digital apps in public health services in the digital era. Digital applications have improved paramedics’ public health work. This salary buddy will hopefully have health and technology data. - This study seeks empirical evidence on the impact of Enterprise Risk Management on business value and the function of board oversight in reducing that impact. The sample includes 2014-2017 Indonesian Stock Exchange manufacturing companies. The test results suggest that ERM can minimize company-related uncertainty and disputes that affect firm value. The excessive number of directors harms firm performance due to conflicts of interest and free riders. So, the influential board of directors. Many company commissioners are insignificant in mitigating ERM’s impact on business value. This research should help fill gaps in accounting literature, notably on ERM. - Curcuminis a polyphenol that inhibits tumor growth and induces apoptosis. Curcumin’s cytotoxicity is contentious due to anti- and pro-apoptotic signaling pathways in different cell types. This study examines curcumin’s effect on RASSF1A, Bax protein levels, and caspase-3 activity in CSA03 breast cancer cells. Curcumin doses vary with 24-hour incubation. MTS determined the cytotoxicity of curcumin. ELISA assessed the amounts of RASSF1A and Bax proteins. Flow cytometry was used to assess apoptosis by measuring caspase-3 activity. Curcumin was cytotoxic at 40.85 g/mL. At 40 and 50 g/mL, curcumin increases protein RASSF1A (= 26.53 and 47.35), Bax (= 48.79 and 381.55), and caspase-3 (= 1,678.51 and 1,871.889%). Curcumin stimulates RASSF1A and Bax, resulting in anti-proliferative (Caspase-3) and apoptotic (Caspase-3) effects. - There is no Indonesian driving stress scale. Because it was created for car drivers, this measuring equipment must be adapted for motorcycles, especially in Indonesia. The driving stress adaption measurement gadget has 16 items—qualitative and quantitative adaptability (translate-synthesis-backward translate). - G20 on One Health members met as part of Indonesia’s G20 Presidency. It is One Health is a global topic that the G20 discussed. The previous 20 were in the “Declaration of the G20.” Health Ministers, Rome, 5-6 September 2021,” which states “links between human and animal.” One Health should address antimicrobial resistance (AMR), food systems, and environmental health, including climate change, ecosystem degradation, increased encroachment into natural systems, and biodiversity loss. Approaches”. End of declaration: “One Health Resilience” is one of four G20 goals, along with healthy and sustainable recovery, collaborative response, and coordinated access to vaccinations, therapies, and diagnosis. At G20, Indonesia discusses One Health. The One Health G20 Indonesia brief will play a key role in future health efforts. - The research aims to know the pandemic’s impact on the health of people living in slum areas in Indonesia and solutions for its handling. The administration has achieved several breakthroughs in providing support and exceptional attention to the residents of that region. So that people living in ancient times may band together and be given numerous resources to help them survive even in adverse conditions. The slum groups suffer a more significant influence than the luxury complex groups. - The analysis was conducted on the Constitutional Court Decision Number 49/PUU.X/ 2012 and the letter of law Number 30 in 2004. The result of this analysis finds that the right of denial, according to the Notary Position Law Number 30 of 2004, is related to due process of law so that the notary calling does not require the approval of the Regional Supervisory Council based on the Constitutional Court Decision. Two main substances become important arguments after the Constitutional Court Decision. First, the linkage of equality before the law principles will be in line with the due process of law; the two different treatments for the position of the Notary who prioritizes the role of the Regional Supervisory Council must be understood within the framework of the Notary Ethics Code, not at the level of the judicial function. - This paper presents the findings to improve public administration services. For the first time, the findings presented in this paper contribute to knowledge, address problems, and provide direct and tangible benefits to the service of the wider community. The research method presented in this paper is a qualitative study involving interviews with participants who are District Court Judges and observations in two selected courts. The findings presented in this paper will impact improving service administration in Indonesia’s public sector. - Young and Muslim people dominate Indonesia’s population. However, In Indonesia, Islamic financial literacy is still low. High schoolers need early schooling. It wants to introduce Gen Z to Islamic financing Jakarta SHS3 students. This workshop implemented a video, and MAN 3 Jakarta kids learned about Islamic money using TTS crosswords. Outcomes After the workshop, more students answered that Islamic financial literacy rose dramatically. The number of Islamic financial institution knowledge among students rose. There is Islamic financial products and services are more appealing to students. Educating Large-scale Islamic finance workshops must be designed and held. - The COVID-19 pandemic hurts MSMEs in Indonesia. To survive the COVID-19 pandemic, MSMEs must be more entrepreneurial. The YARSI University Community Service Team and partners from Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises offered entrepreneurship motivation training. The activity findings suggest that MSMEs still do not know about COVID-19 and entrepreneurial inspiration. Most MSME actors want to innovate during the COVID-19 pandemic after attending the course. MSMEs’ innovation is the most widely chosen by the WA group. This community service activity concludes that MSMEs’ entrepreneurial motivation has increased throughout the covid 19 pandemic. Future community service activities can include instruction on using WhatsApp to increase MSMEs’ sales.

Prof. Dr. Nurul Huda, S.E., M.M., M.Si., Dr. Ir. B. M. A. S.
Anaconda Bangkara, M.T., M.S.M.
Dr. Gugun Gunardi, M.Hum., dr. Cipta Pramana, SpOG.(K).
Mustofa Hilmi, M.Sos.
Sri Wahyuningsih, M.Pd, M.Si.
Endang Lifchatullaillah, S.E, M.M.
Dr. dra. Ida Ayu Komang Arniati, M.Ag.
Nurhabibah, S.Kom., M.Pd.
Dr. Muhaemin, M.A.
Andrew Shandy Utama S.H., M.H.
Andri Gunawan. S.Pd.I, BA(Hons), M.Phil.
Dr. Masduki Duryat, M. Pd.I.
Drs. H. Moch Sholeh, M.Pd.
Ali Ma`sum, S.Pd.I., M.Ed.
Dr. Kholis Ernawati, S.Si., M.Kes.
Cet. 1-Bandung: CV Semiotika
Vi +96 hlm: 17,6 X 25 cm
ISBN 9786026885722
Scientific papers in journals
Scientific articles related to SDG 2
Scientific articles related to SDG 3
Scientific articles related to SDG 4
This study aims to analyze the relationship between academic self-efficacy and student academic resilience and its review according to Islam. The research method uses a quantitative approach with a correlational type. The participants of this study were 267 fifth-grade students from a psychological perspective and a literature study approach by examining sources of Islamic literacy from an Islamic perspective. As a result, there is a relationship between academic self-efficacy and resilience in fifth-grade students. The Interpersonal Climate dimension shows a significantly stronger correlation with each dimension of academic resilience than the Self-Engagement dimension.
Scientific articles related to SDG 5
Scientific articles related to SDG 6
Scientific articles related to SDG 7
Scientific articles related to SDG 8
Scientific articles related to SDG 9
Scientific articles related to SDG 10
Scientific articles related to SDG 11
Scientific articles related to SDG 12
Scientific articles related to SDG 13
Scientific articles related to SDG 14
Garbage pollution has caused a global water disaster. Some businesses throw the trash into the oceans and rivers, limiting their capacity. Polluted streams can lose clarity and become contaminated with hazardous microorganisms from the garbage. Waste pollution has poisoned even the river. So wastewater does not contaminate the environment and may be recycled, acidity and dissolved minerals must be monitored. The monitoring system will show how acidic the waste is and if it can be treated and utilized.
Scientific articles related to SDG 15
Scientific articles related to SDG 16
Scientific articles related to SDG 17